There are so many ways we can honor all human life, created in God's image. Here are TEN ways you can participate this month:
1) Pray with 40 Days for Life (Sept 25 - Nov 3). More information about this international camagn to end abortion is available on the 40 Days website. Prayer gathering locations nearby are available as well. Pray a Rosary of Mercy and Healing on September 28th at 7:30 AM with Bishop Vasquez for those who are suffering the aftermath of abortion and for the end of abortion in front of Austin Women's Health (a 40-day site) at 1902 S I-35 Frontage Road, Austin. Please park as recommended on the website. Please contact Brian Lehmkuhle ([email protected]) if you would like to join a group leaving from SMM.
2) Pick up your Baby Bank in the Narthex after Mass and return them by the end of the month! Your donations will help pro-life efforts in our parish and throughout the diocese. (October 5 - October 31)
3) Get to know about resources that are available to those experiencing crisis pregnancies so that we can help them find what they need. Walking with Mom's in Need developed a great resource list that is available in printed form on the Ministry Brochure Tower in the Narthex. Or, you can be download an electronic copy of the resource list for yourself or to share with others.
4) Learn more about LIFE issues with FORMED.org. Set aside time to dig into some of the great resources listed under the "Pro Life" category header on the homepage. And, if you haven't watched some of the videos included in the "Life and Learn" section of the monthly flocknotes, try to re-visit those. There is so much to learn!
5) You can kick off Respect Life Month by signing up for an annual Novena to End the Death Penalty. The Novena will run October 1-9, leading us to the World Day Against the Death Penalty on October 10, with daily prayers provided regarding the dignity of life.
6) Visit the Respect Life Ministry table at the parish Ministry Fair on October 12 and 13. Here you can learn more about the Respect Life Ministry at our parish. You will also have the opportunity to join.
7) Make a commitment to offer your own special prayers and sacrifices for Pro-Life ministries, for families in need of support, and especially for families in crisis pregnancies and their babies. SMM has convenient options right in our Narthex. For more details, read the "Bear One Another's Burdens" section at the end of this Flocknote.
8) Join the Respect Life Month Novena! October 22-30, 2024.
Unite in prayer with thousands of Catholics across the country praying for the protection of human life, from conception to natural death. Each day of the novena features a different pro-life prayer intention which is accompanied by a short reflection, suggested actions to help build a culture of life, and more.
Purpose: St. Margaret Mary Respect Life Ministry aims to promote Catholic teaching on respect for the dignity and sanctity of life from conception to natural death, and to put our faith into action. Primarily we focus on developing and participating in activities related to the four pro-life pillars described by the USCCB as: Pastoral Care, Information and Education, Public Policy, Prayer and Worship.
Requirements: All parishioners are invited to participate in activities sponsored by the Respect Life Ministry. And, all are welcome to join the ministry.
How to Participate: Respect Life news and activities are announced via Flocknote and parish bulletins. Sign up to receive Flocknote updates by sending a request to ministry leaders listed below. Once you sign up for the Flocknote, you are considered a member of the Respect Life Ministry and will receive notice of opportunities to participate in activities, provided you have completed EIM requirements for ministry participation.
Contact: Brian and Belinda Lehmkuhle: [email protected]
(En Español) Antonio Becerra: [email protected]
Set aside time to dig into some of the great resources listed under the "Respect Life" category header on the homepage at www.formed.org. Saint Margaret Mary has also paid for a subscription to Formed.org which you can use free of charge.
Here's how to get on FORMED--free to you as a gift from our parish!
If you are a first time user:
If you are one of the over 500 parishioners already using FORMED, click on the “sign in” link in the top right corner of the page, then enter your email address.The preferred browsers are Google Chrome and Firefox. Once you have signed up, you will have unlimited access to the ever growing list of Catholic materials, including many wonderful Pro-Life resources.
Saint Margaret Mary’s Respect Life Ministry has placed a donation bin in the Narthex of our church for gifts of diapers, wipes, and other small baby items for The Gabriel Project. Please place donations inside the bin and not on the floor. Donations are picked up periodically, so if the bin is full, please kindly hang on to your donation if there is no room at the moment. Your donations are so appreciated by families in need, so we ask that you please be patient with us when we need a little more time to clear the bin. For more information about this organization, or to request their help, visit The Gabriel Project webpage.
Unfortunately, we cannot accept furniture items or car seats. Please consider taking those kinds of items to the Saint Vincent de Paul Thrift Store, located at 901 W. Braker Lane, Austin, Texas 78758.
If you are a member of St. Margaret Mary Parish and would like to get updates from the Respect Life Ministry group in your Email or as a Text message, please send the following information to Brian Lehmkuhle at [email protected]:
First Name:
Last Name:
email address (if you want email updates):
text number (if you want text messages):
Note: If you include both your email address and text number, you will get the information both ways. To get the message only one way, just do not include the method you don't want.