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Mass Parts Sheet Music to Follow Along
Join the Choir Ministry
This is an opportunity to share your love for music in the liturgy. Our mission is to enhance the celebration of all of the rites of the church; to support and encourage congregational singing; and to enjoy the fellowship of one another. Besides preparing for each weekend Mass, we participate in other celebrations such as First Holy Communion, Confirmation and major Liturgical masses (Christmas and Easter).
This means a commitment of time and a little talent as we gather weekly for practice. Some of us read music, and some of us don't. There are no auditions. We only ask that you be willing to make a commitment to practice and share your time and talents with your church family. We laugh together, pray together, cry together, and through it all, always sing together. Join us in this “noteworthy” ministry.
For more information or to volunteer to be in a choir, please contact the
Choir Director for that respective Mass:
5 PM Saturday (Vigil) - Kevin Green, 512-944-4944
8:30 AM Sunday - Dave & Therese Randall, 512-259-8953
10:30 AM Sunday - Carlos Gonzalez, 512-487-0253
12:30 PM Sunday (Español) - Carlos Gonzalez, 512-487-0253
5 PM Sunday (Youth Mass) - JuanJose Armenta-Aguirre, 832-353-7798
OR Carlos Gonzalez, 512-487-0253