Dear RE Families,
I want to welcome you to another year of Faith Formation here at St. Margaret Mary. This year is certainly like none other, but I am so thrilled to see how all of you have chosen to make religious education a priority in this unprecedented time. We are overjoyed at the opportunity to meet and serve the families of St. Margaret Mary and beyond for the 2024-25 Faith Formation year. No matter if you are a returning family, have been away from the parish/faith formation program for a while, or are brand new to the parish, we are so happy that you have made the choice to entrust your children to us and form a partnership where we can spread the love and joy of the gospel together. Our aim is simple to continue what you started at home helping your child grow in relationship with Jesus and his Church. Now more than ever, it is essential that we all work together to help our children grow in relationship with the light that no darkness can overcome—Jesus Christ.
Religious Education Class Schedules
9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
9:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday - 6:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
What is the meaning of catechesis in the Catholic Church?
Catechesis is an education in the faith of children, young people and adults which includes especially the teaching of Christian doctrine imparted, generally speaking, in an organic and systematic way, with a view to initiating the hearers into the fullness of Christian life.
All Parents are encouraged to register their children for RE classes and assure they attend regularly. Because parents are the primary educators of their children, our catechists in the Religious Education program and Religion teachers in Catholic schools partner with parents in preparing the children for these very important steps in their life of faith. Parents are truly irreplaceable in this process.
What is the meaning of Family catechesis in the Catholic Church?
Elementary Faith Formation
Provides Faith Formation for grades Kindergarten-5th grade and prepares children to receive their Sacraments. Our program is based on the New Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Catechism’s emphasis on creed, sacraments, and moral life of the Christian as well as prayer, rooted in and supported by the Scriptures, is the emphasis and structure of this program.The Faith Formation program is staffed by trained lay catechists who share their faith with others in order to guide their growth. Training and catechist support are provided to enable the catechists to guide children in the best way possible. If you are Catholic, you are qualified to be in this ministry! We are looking for great people ready to share their faith this coming year. It is a great experience and very rewarding!
We also offer a program for Elementary children with Special Education Needs. Our goal is to make them feel welcome and learn more about their faith. Please call the Religious Education office at 512-259-3126 ext 114, ext. 115 or ext. 116 for more information.
El Catecismo es la educacion de formacion de fe cristiana para ninos, jovenes y adultos. Incluye la enseñanza de la doctrina cristiana catolica. Generalmente hablando en una forma orgánica y sistemática con la mirada de iniciar al oyente en la plenitud de la vida cristiana.
¿Cual es el significado del Catecismo Familiar?
Proveemos Formación de Fé Católica (Catecismo) a todos los niños desde Kindergarten hasta el 5to grado que esten en la escuela primaria. Nuestro programa de formacion de fè esta basado en el Nuevo Catecismo de la Iglesia Catolica . El Catecismo hace un énfasis en el Credo, los Sacramentos, la vida moral de los cristinanos y en las oraciones. El catecismo esta basado en las escrituras biblicas que son la estructura y el énfasis de este programa de Fé Catolica. La Formación de Fé es enseñada por catequistas laicos voluntarios entrenados para compartir su fé con otros y sirven de guia en el crecimeinto espiritual de cada niño de nuestra comunidad Catolica. El entrenamiento que reciben los catequistas las capacita y les sirve de apoyo para dirigir los niños hacia una vida de moral y fé cristiana de la mejor manera posible. Si usted es Catolico esta qualificado para ser parte de nuestro ministerio de educacion Catolica por favor inscribase para que nos ayude este año siendo voluntario. Es una bella experiencia!
También ofrecemos clases para los niños de escuela primaria con Necesidades Especiales, nuestra meta es hacerlos sentir bienvenidos y que aprendan mas acerca de su fé catolica. Para mas información favor de llamar a la oficina de Educación Religiosa al 512-259-3126 ext 114 - ext. 115 or ext. 116.
Registración de Formación de Fé para este próximo año 2024-2025 comenzará la ultima semna del mes de mayo,2024. Favor de buscar información durante los anucios de las misas, en la página electronica de la iglesia, en el buletín, la página de FB y en los mensajes de Flocknotes.
Horario de Clase para el Catecismo en español
2:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
lunes, martes y miércoles - 6:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
Primera Comunion y Reconciliacion
The purpose of the Religious Education or the Faith Formation Program in our parish is to help participants deepen their Christian faith and identity through initiation rites, instruction and formation of conscience. We are committed to proclaiming the mysteries of faith, fostering community, encouraging worship and prayer and motivating service to others. The goal of the program for children and youth is to support and enhance the efforts of parents and guardians who want to share their faith with their children, this is done in the Roman Catholic tradition.
Read more about the Youth Formation program at this parish.
RE classes will start Sunday, Septeber 22. Please pick up a form in the church narthex after Mass or stop by the parish office during the week. Please note that registration is complete only once tuition has been paid.
Please prayerfully consider sharing your faith with the children and youth of our parish. We always need catechists for our Faith Formation classes!
If you have any questions about the requirements for sacramental preparation, please call Eunice Tanco (Grades PK-5) at 512-259-3126 ext. 114, or Sara Clark (Middle School and High School) at 512-259-3126 ext. 115.
Confirmation: Adolescents who were baptized as an infant or toddler receive Confirmation in the 10th-11th grade. A recent baptismal certificate is required so the reception of the sacrament can be duly recorded at their church of baptism. This is a two-year program.
Communion: Students typically celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in 2nd grade. Students must complete the pre-communion class or at least 1 year of Religious Education prior to beginning the First Communion program.
Special Sacraments: Religious education classes will be available to youth in 3rd grade or older that have not yet received the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion.
Congratulations and the peace of our Risen Lord be with the students who received the sacrament of Confirmation. God’s blessings on each of them as they continue their sacramental journey in the Catholic Church.
Parents and confirmed students are asked to prayerfully consider sharing your faith with our parish. Please encourage your young adult to visit the Stewardship page to learn about the many volunteer opportunities that are available. A complete listing of the parish ministries is available and a ministry sign-up form can be completed and turned in at the office. We look forward to serving with you!
A great on-line resource for parents can be found at Faith and Safety - Technology Safety Through the Eyes of Faith. Jointly developed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (GOA), this site is an attempt to give you some simple, straightforward advice and tools on how to navigate this digital world with your family.
We strongly encourage you to visit Faith and Safety because Internet safety isn't about the right software or service. Rather, real safety in the digital world is all about active, involved, loving parenting. It's a team effort that builds a strong Christian family!