Infant baptisms are a cause for celebration not only for the baby's family but for the parish and the Church as a whole. Parents should have their infants baptized "shortly after birth" (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1250). If, for some reason, your child has not yet been baptized and is under the age of 7, we encourage you to contact the parish office so your son or daughter can receive this sacrament soon. If your child is older than age 7 and has not been baptized, please contact Eunice Tanco, Coordinator of Children's RCIA,
Adults considering entrance to the Catholic Church can learn more about the process on our Adult Formation Page.
Complete a Request for Baptism Form- found in the adjacent links >
Parent(s) and godparent(s) must attend an entire Baptism Preparation class. Written proof of attendance at a Baptism Preparation class at Saint Margaret Mary or another Catholic Church must be provided with other paperwork.
Parents must provide a copy of the child's state-issued birth certificate. Request one here: Birth Certificate Information Here
Baptism preparation classes are held in English & Spanish once a month. Click here for the scheduled dates. Both are held at 7:30 pm in the Benish Center.
You must register for the class prior to attending. Please do so by visiting the Parish Office during office hours or by calling (512) 259-3126 and speaking to one of our receptionists.
If the parent is registered in another parish or lives within the boundaries of another parish, a letter from your pastor is required stating that you have permission to have your child baptized at St. Margaret Mary.
The one to be baptized is required to have a godparent. One godparent is sufficient; but there may be two godparents, one of each gender. Requirements to be a godparent include:
The Sacrament of Baptism will be scheduled after all requirements are fulfilled by the parent(s) and godparent(s). If the person selected as a godparent is not fully initiated into the Catholic Church, and/or is not in a Catholic marriage, he/she may be eligible to be a Christian witness, but not a godparent.
If there are any questions or concerns about baptismal preparation at St Margaret Mary, please call the parish office at 512-259-3126.
For more information about Baptism requirements and scheduling, please contact the parish office at: 512-259-3126.